Application Form for Full-Time Jobs
Online Application Form for Full-Time Post
  1. Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS in full. You may, if you wish, attach a full curriculum vitae. For teaching/academic appointment, please provide details of your academic achievement.
  1. The information provided will be used for appointment to the School. The information collected will be used for the purposes within the School after appointment. Your application will be retained for a period of up to 24 months for the purpose of appointment to other suitable vacancies in the School.
  2. Applicants not contacted within 8 weeks from the closing date may assume that their applications are unsuccessful.
  3. If you have any close friends and/or relatives working in the School/University, please give below their names in full. "Close relatives" include (a) spouse, (b) parents/parents-in-law, (c) brothers/sisters and brothers/sisters-in-law, and (d) children and their spouses.

TODAY : 4/1/2025 CURRENT TIME : 3:52 AM

Personal Information
* The boxes must be entered.
POST APPLIED FOR: Executive Officer (Admissions and Academic Liaison) in the Community College
Ref. No.: 2024/25-FT-276-JDB
Name (same as HKID/Passport): *
Name in Chinese (if applicable):
HKID No.: *
Passport No. & Country of Issue
(only for applicants without HKID):
Date of Birth (optional): - -
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Contact Telephone No.: *
Office Telephone No.:
Fax No. (if any):
E-mail Address:

Education Background (in descending chronological order)
Dates of Attendance
(month / year)
Name of Secondary School / Tertiary Institution
Qualifications Obtained, with Grades or Classification, enter "N/A" if not applicable
Date of Award (month/year)

Professional Membership (if applicable) (in descending chronological order)
Name of Professional Body
Name of Award
How it is Obtained
(e.g. by Examination)
Date of Award

Relevant Skills:
Computer Skills, Language Skills, etc:

Employment History (in descending chronological order)
Appointment Period
(month / year)
Name of Employer
Position Held and Major Job Duties
(if part-time, please specify)
Position :
Duties :
  Part-time job?
Position :
Duties :
  Part-time job?
Position :
Duties :
  Part-time job?
Position :
Duties :
  Part-time job?

Present / Last Drawn Monthly Salary:
Expected Salary: *
If appointed, when would you be able to assume duty?/ Notice period to current employer:

How did you learn about this vacancy? *
CTgoodjobs JobsDB cpjobs HKU SPACE Homepage HKU SPACE Intranet
LinkedIn Facebook Instagram JIJIS FSTE
Employee of HKU SPACE Others: (pls specify)

  1. Please provide details of two referees in the following boxes after you have obtained their consent.
  1. At least one of your referees should have direct knowledge of your recent academic and/or working experience.
  1. For teaching/academic posts, at least one of your referees should be able to comment on your teaching ability and contributions to teaching.
Company & Address
Contact Phone
Email Address
I declared that the information provided in my application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.*
Enclose your CV :
  Note: Attachment is optional and supports only txt, doc, docx and pdf formats. (File size < 5MB)
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