Application Form for Part-Time Teacher Post
Online Application for the Position of Part-time Teacher
  1. Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTER and in full to provide basic information in a standard format. You may, if you wish, attach a full curriculum vitae.
  1. The information provided will be used for all appropraiate purposes within the School and retained in the School part-time teachers database. It may also be disclosed to parties authorized to process the information for appointment or it may be referred to other unit(s) within the School of consideration of other suitable vacancy(ies). Unsuccessful applications will be retained for a maximum period of tweleve months.

TODAY : 2/3/2025 CURRENT TIME : 8:03 PM REF NO : 2024/25-PT-177-JDB

Please fill in all the blanks below:

Please select up to 3 subjects you are interested in teaching (Optional):
Specific Areas
Others (Please specify)
Personal Particulars
Name (same as HKID/Passport): *
Name in Chinese (if applicable):
Date of Birth (optional): - -
HKID No.: *
Passport No. & Country of Issue
(only for applicants without HKID):
Correspondence Address:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Contact Telephone No.: *
Fax No. (if any):
E-mail Address:
Name of Current Employer:
Job Title:
Office Address:
Office Telephone No.:
Office Fax No.:

Academic Qualifications (in chronological order):
Dates of Attendance
(month / year)
School / Tertiary Institution
Qualifications Obtained, with Classification if any

Professional Membership (in chronological order):

Please provide details in (1) Name of Professional Body, (2) Name of Award,(3) Date of Award.
Name of Professional Body
Name of Award
Date of Award

Current and Recent Teaching / Working Experience (in chronological order)
(month / year)

Other Working Experience (in chronological order)
Job Title
(month / year)

Please indicate the language you would like to lecture in:
Cantonese Putonghua Japanese French Other

Please indicate if you have been appointed as:
External Examiner
Academic Assessor
Member of Programme Validation Panel
Member of Programmer Review Panel of HKU SPACE

Other Relevant Information:

Declaration on conflict of interest:
If you have any close friends and/or relatives working in the School, please give their names in full and state their relationship to you. Close relatives include spouse, parents/parents in law, brothers/sisters and their spouses, children, and their spouses. 如台端有親友於本院工作,請提供其姓名及與其之關係。直系親屬包括配偶、個人或配偶之父母、兄弟姊妹及其配偶、子女及其配偶。
Do you need to declare of Confict Of Interest? Yes No
How did you learn about the vacancy?
School Prospectus Course Pamphlets / Circulars / Flyers Internet
Magazine Exhibition/Road Show Referrals by friends/relatives
HKU SPACE Newsletters Others    
Advertisement in newspaper
Ming Pao 明 報 Singtao Daily News 星 島 日 報 Tai Kung 大 公 報
Career Times 經 濟 日 報 Oriental Daily 東 方 日 報 SCMP 南 華 早 報
Apple Daily 蘋 果 日 報 Job Market HK Econ Journal 信 報
Wen Wei Pao 文 匯 報 Recruit The Sun 太 陽 報
Jiu Jik 招 職 PTU 教 協 報    

Terms and Conditions 聘 請 條 款

  1. Applicants should understand that acceptance on the part-time teachers' panel does not in itself guarantee that a class in the relevant subject area can take place. 本 學 院 即 使 接 納 申 請 人 為 兼 職 導 師 , 並 不 保 證 擬 定 之 課 程 必 可 開 辦 。
  1. Even though courses may be agreed between individual teachers and relevant members of the School teaching staff and subsequently advertised, the course is liable to be cancelled if enrolment is insufficient or for reasonable cause. There is, therefore, no guarantee of employment. 在 報 名 人 數 不 足 及 其 他 合 理 情 況 下 , 該 等 課 程 即 使 已 經 公 布 亦 可 能 取 消 。
  2. Part-time employment by HKU SPACE does not entitle a teacher to claim that he is a member of the teaching staff of the University of Hong Kong. 本 學 院 所 聘 請 之 兼 職 導 師 並 無 權 利 宣 稱 其 為 香 港 大 學 之 教 員 。
  3. University teachers who teach in HKU SPACE are subject to the University's Memorandum of Guidance and Regulations Governing Outside Practice by Teachers, which may be amended from time to time by the University Council. 大 學 教 職 人 員 在 本 學 院 的 教 學 工 作 將 被 視 作 校 外 操 業 , 並 須 遵 守 由 校 務 委 員 會 不 時 修 訂 的 大 學 教 員 校 外 操 業 守 則 及 指 引 備 忘 錄 。

  4. HKU SPACE is an equal opportunities employer. ­香 港 大 學 專 業 進 修 學 院 為 一 平 等 機 會 機 構 。
  5. I declare that the information I have given in this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand and agree to the terms and conditions as stated above. 我 聲 明 在 本 表 格 所 填 的 資 料 , 在 我 已 知 的 範 圍 內 是 全 部 及 正 確 的 。 我 了 解 並 同 意 本 申 請 的 注 意 事 項 。
Agree Disagree
Enclose your CV :
  Note: Attachment is optional and supports only txt, doc and pdf formats. (File size < 5MB)
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